Age - 3 months old
Weight -13 lbs. 12 1/2 oz.
Height - 24 in.
Sleeping habits - We start our bed time routine around 6:15-6:3o ish. After a bath and feeding Lila, we read three books. She is usually pretty sleepy! This week she's sleeping until 6:15 a.m. Sometimes we're woken up at night by her trying to find her thumb, which results in a large sucking noise.
Eating habits - She eats every 3-4 hours during the day. She has been eating a lot in her bottles at Ms. Sue's house.
Favorite activity - Playing in the rainforest... as well as taking baths.
Cutest Moment of the Month - There are so many!!! She absoulutely loved having Edith take her picture and enjoys when people are talking to her. Today in the doctor's office she was telling everyone in the waiting room about her day... it was so cute!!!
Milestones - We had a roll over! She's only rolled over once from her back to her front, but it was pretty cute. She was also Christened this month and started going to a babysitter since Caroline went back to work.
yay! happy three months (and 2 days)! love you little one!