Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 28

Here is what Baby Girl Schaab is up to this week according to

By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

If you're interested in what the dad's guide to pregnancy says about size this month click here.

How far along? 28 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: + 18.0 lbs. - Mike and I have determined that our scale at home is broken, and I'll be going my the doctor's office scale until the end of the pregnancy - then we'll buy a new one. Since I have to go every other week, I feel like we'll be in good shape... I knew that I had gained more weight than my scale had let on...

Maternity clothes? Yes and loving them - however I'm not loving that I had to buy my third set of new bras this weekend due to the pregnancy... Thankfully, the ladies at Intimacy are so wonderful... otherwise I might cry.

Sleep: Getting up a few times a night... nothing too exciting. Naps were a must on both Saturday and Sunday... Wrigley loved the company!

Best moment this week: There were a lot! Seeing our little girl in 3D/4D was amazing... and watching her move around - just priceless! I'm so glad we did it. There are some pics at the bottom, or you can click on the pictures scrolling to the left to see the whole album. The DVD was in a weird format that we couldn't upload to You Tube or the blog, but Mike was able to put it on Facebook. If you click here, you can access it (if you have Facebook). It was also pretty funny yesterday, while I was lounging on the couch my belly started going nuts... which I could see from the outside! I also was relieved that I passed my gestational diabetes test... very exciting! Also, instead of going to the bar to T.G.I.F. this week, some of my buddies and I went to Oberweis for shakes... blissful!

Movement: Her movements are becoming more frequent now and stronger. When I was reading at church, of course the kicks started getting stronger in the middle of my reading... She must of liked my voice in the microphone.

Food cravings: Moose Tracks Ice Cream and Oberweis Milkshakes...

Gender: GIRL

Labor Signs: Not yet.

Belly Button in or out? In... getting more shallow ever day... Barb says it's not going to pop though after close examination.

What I miss: Being able to tie my shoes without feeling awkward... it's becoming a challenge

Milestones: I had to pre-register at the hospital this week as well as I received labor instructions at my doctor's appointment - a little scary to be quite honest. It makes it all the more real that the baby is coming! I also need to start seeing the doctor every other week now... I believe until 36 weeks, when I'll start going every week. We also found a great pediatrics practice for Baby Girl Schaab and enjoyed meeting some of the staff and doctors there.

What I am looking forward to:
Staring our baby classes. We signed up to take Infant Basics, Infant CPR, a hospital tour, & a breastfeeding class. We start these at the end of March, but I'm pretty excited about it.

Moving! I can't wait to get into the new house and set up the baby's nursery... which we visited yesterday. Sadly our closing is being delayed by the seller's, but keep your fingers crossed everything gets resolved this week and we set a new closing date. We've also had a few people come through our house... and we keep praying to St. Joseph who is buried outside our house. I just can't wait to get in there and make Baby Girl Schaab's house a home!

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