Saturday, September 26, 2009

Susan G. Komen 5K

What a beautiful morning for a walk! Kellie and I organized a Field School Team to walk in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 5K this morning. It was a little chilly, but once we got going it turned out to be a beautiful morning for a walk! We had about 20 people show (not all pictured) which was a great turn our from the Field School Staff. Thanks to everyone for supporting this great cause!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tye Dye Take 2

So Mary, Mary, Hope, my Mom and I took another Stab at Tye Dying. I haven't seen pictures of anyone else's yet, but one thing we did do different is let them sit overnight. I gave my 2 nights actually and am just starting to wash them. We also used liquid dye, which was a LOT easier (in my opinion) and so far the colors look great. Below are a few of my pieces.
What do you think?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Healing Toe & Homemade Mac and Cheese

Thanks for the recipe Anne! Mike and I enjoyed this homemade mac and cheese with bacon and green onions on Monday night. Quite the process, starting from a roux, but it was well worth the wait.

I know this toe has been pretty well publicized, but I figured I'd take a pic of the healing little toe. Except for some dry skin that keeps popping up, it almost looks back to normal - and I found a new favorite nail polish color - Essie's I need a vacation... Funny I feel like that all the time!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Exciting Friday Night

Mike's in Vegas, and I'm doing homework on a Friday night. Grad School is kicking my butt.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Yes to Carrots and Tye Dye

Today my mom and I had a Yes to Carrots and Tye Dye party at my mom's house. We started off with a delicious breakfast of ham and veggie strata, fruit coffee cake, carrot banana muffins, and fruit salad. We also tried some carrot juice - however I think I'll just stick to using carrot products, not drinking carrot juice. After we discussed Yes to Carrots over breakfast, we cleaned up and moved to Tye Dying! Everyone had a few things (or more than a few) to tye dye. We even checked up a few patterns online which helped us out big time! Then we got to dying, which we ended up having a blast with! The little boys next door even came over in their undies and dyed their own shirts! We could hardly wait to unwrap our whites, and once we did we were in awe of our great work! I'm ready for our next tye dye party! After clean up and hosing down our beautiful artwork, we pampered our hands with some Yes to Carrots Hand and Nail Spa! What a fabulous Labor Day morning!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Radford Wedding

So I really haven't been able to update the blog since school started last week, grad school, including my internship (I'm interning with my principal and need to complete 240 hours by May 1st), and having a student teacher! It's been a crazy last two weeks to say the least, but I figured I'd tell you Elyse and Scott's wedding! I thought I'd originally reuse the bridesmaid dress from Jess and Ben's wedding, but due to my healing and unsightly toe, I decided to wear a maxi dress to cover the eye sore. Luckily my mom scored me a sweet brown beady one that did just the trick - covered the toe and let me wear comfy shoes - which I totally needed for all of the dancing that would be done! Meredith and Ben came in for the big event and stayed at my parent's condo in the city. After some pre-wedding bellinitini's (made by Caroline) we headed to the beautiful ceremony. Auntie Leslie did an amazing job and it truly was beautiful... especially since I can remember the night Elyse came home proclaiming that she liked Scott... Oh Bo James! The reception was awesome. Great food, great drinks, and fabulous band which meant tons of dancing! One of the singers even came out on the dance floor and let me sing with her... my secret passion. However, Mike did tell Matt Tefka (who gave an amazing speech and rapped) to watch out because I was going to kidnap one of their twins (they are so cute - but I would NEVER). After the wedding we headed over to Dick's Last Resort for a night cap and hair extension try on... thanks Mere! I got to feel what it was like to be a brunette... or at least half of one. We ended up back at the condo where I passed out with Mere on the couch... just like our old college days. It was a super fun weekend hanging out with all of the Iowa clan and the Tefkas and Radfords - gotta love a good wedding! I also think the Swansons need to move to the Chicagoland area so we can enjoy their company more!!! I LOVE YOU MERE!!!

Sultan, Schaab, and Swanson

Iowa Alpha Chi Omegas!

Mike and I clearly having a fabulous time with the groom!

Trying on Mere's hair extensions at Dick's Last Resort post wedding!

Cuddle time - Just like the old days in Burge!